Hi Friends, hope you are enjoying your Sunday night! It is back to school for me next week, but I'm not so sad. I'm ready to be back on a schedule and excited to meet my kids. Plus, I have another student teacher which is great!
I have several items I want to update you on, but only have a few minutes. Therefore, I will let you know why I am frustrated today.
As you know, I am training for a marathon. I have had knee problems and hot hot weather, but have managed to keep training throughout the summer. Yesterday I ran my longest run yet. I was supposed to do 16 miles and ended up doing closer to 17. It was HARD but made me so excited because I now believe I can do a full marathon. After the run yesterday I was exhausted and had a super upset stomach (this sometimes happens to runners, but usually not me) I spent the day in my bed sleeping on and off and spending time in the bathroom (don't want to give you tmi...) The only thing getting me through the day was thinking that when I woke up the next morning and weighed myself, I would be skinnie-minnie. WELL, that is why I am FRUSTRATED! I woke up this morning and...drumroll...I had GAINED weight!! WTF?! Bodies are so so confusing. I feel like a fatty and hate that I spent 3 hours of running yesterday and ended up gaining weight. Blah blah blah. Had to put it out there. Now, I'm going to get over it! Thanks for letting me vent.
You ran 16 miles!!! That is amazing, do not let that silly number on the scale get you down! I am sure you look as cute as ever! Focus on the fact that you were able to run sooooo far!
Thanks, Jeni! I really needed your comment. You are exactly right. Why are we so hard on ourselves?? I miss you!!
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