Well friends, I did it! I finished my National Board test and completed my first class of my new Master's degree.
The test went okay. I felt pretty good about my answers, which actually scares me. I am used to leaving tests like that thinking that I did horrible, and passing. So, we will just have to wait until November to see!
My School Law class was actually kind-of great. I learned a lot from it and feel like I have a good grasp on what I need to know as an administrator. Concordia University makes my schedule for me. They do not have my co-hort taking a second summer class. I am a little disappointed, because I would have done that in lieu of one during the school year. However, I will take the break and concentrate on my new house!
PS - My classroom is already put back together, ya-hoo!
Hi my friends! I am an awful blogger. There are so many fun things that I want to blog about, however I have a serious problem with motivation. School is out (ya-hoo) and the weeks leading up to it were C-R-A-Z-Y. Combine special school events (who plans a farm breakfast and poetry night during the last weeks of school?!) report cards, grad school work, running, and an awful awful awful sinus infection and there is no time for anything else.
Thankfully I made it through, but have spent my first days of summer either busy busy or doing nothing. I am attempting to get our condo ready for our landlady to put back on the market. I want it to be perfect because I want all of my security deposit back! I am also thinking about our new house and wishing we were in it right now. I have to take my National Board Certification test on Friday (I should be studying for it now, but found motivation to do something else...) and have 3 projects due before my last school law class next Thursday. Phew! Crazy times.
I am actually going to go study now, but will be posting more soon. I hope I still have friends checking! ; )