Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Toddlers and Tiaras

This is why I love this show...

Judge me if you want, I don't mind!  Can you imagine if this girl was in your class?!

Mrs. Barnett : ) 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lately Part 2.

I forgot to mention in my "lately" post that I have been reading a lot.  I would like to steer you VERY CLEAR AWAY from one book, and recommend one to you!

I read the book Look at Me by Jennifer Egan for my book club.  Oh me, oh my, would I NOT recommend this book to you!  The book was long, filled with sex, and never got to the point.  It was basically about a model who got in a car accident which changed how she looked completely.  There was so much more that when along with that storyline though.  I will not get into details, because they would be a waste of your time!  If you are my friend, you will not like it, do not read it!

After finishing the awful book, I read MWF seeking BFF by Rachel Bertsche.  I loved it!  It is a true story about a girl who moved to Chicago for her boyfriend turned husband.  She realizes that after a few years, she hasn't made any new BFF's and was down about how hard it was to make close friends after moving somewhere as an adult.  She decides to go on 52 "girl-dates" for the year (one a week) in search of a new BFF.  It is hilarious and something I could totally relate to.  She is also coming to a library by me this week, I think I am going to go with a friend!  I would recommend this one!

I am embarrassed to tell you, but I am now currently finishing up the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series.  I can not help it, I am a teenage girl at heart!  I just wish David would let me decorate our bedroom in Pottery Barn Teen decor...

Mrs. Barnett : )

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Why do my cats enjoy drinking water out of anything other than their water bowl?

Mrs. Barnett : )

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Whew!  These past two weeks have been crazy busy!  Here is what I have been up to...doesn't seem like that much once I write it down!

1.  Running, running, and more running!  I feel like all I do is work out and run.  I do have to say, that I am really getting into the "running zone" lately which feels great.  Let's hope this continues with the stinking winter weather that just decided to join us!  I am getting ready for the Princess Half Marathon on February 26th, and have big running plans after that!

2. TEACHING!  I have loved teaching my firsties lately.  I am back in action after having a student teacher and have a fresh view on everything.  They sure have been keeping me busy though!  How sweet are these faces...

3. know I am addicted!  I have used pinterest to make a few gifts, organize a little, and make some great food.  Some of my favs have been a beef with broccoli, cake batter rice krispie treats (turned into similar ones from Disney World thanks to my Mom!) and cake batter cookies.  You can only cook so much on there before you start packing on the pounds though!

4. Cleaning/Organizing.  I looove cleaning and organizing.  I can not tell you how good I feel when my apt is clean, organized, and everything is in it's place.  My brother, John, left for a few weeks to go to Houston on Thursday.  I took advantage of one less person here and got cleaning!  It feels so good to get things done.  The only problem is that I never take anytime to just relax! : /

5. National Board Application.  Blah, blah blah...why did I sign up for this!  I am working (or not really working and putting it on this blog so I feel guilty about not working) on my portfolio that is due on March 31st.  It is so so so very much work and I am not sure why I am even doing it now.  Plus, there is a 50/50 pass rate, which makes me even more depressed about working on it.  The plan is to spend tomorrow getting something done!  We will see if that happens though.

I am sure you are so happy to see/hear that I am alive and well...
Mrs. Barnett : )

Monday, January 2, 2012

Student Teacher.

I have had a great student teacher during the entire first semester of school.  She was done the day before we got out for winter break, and we had to have a party for her!  I made her a "teacher cake" that I found on pinterest (where else?!).  I was super excited and happy about how it turned out!  I also made her owl cupcakes that I found on there too.  She is a big fan of owls and I thought these were too cute to pass up.  Apart from the cake and owls, my kiddos worked very hard to get some "top secret" surprises together for her.  The surprises included many sweet cards, a movie made by the class, a book, signed picture frame, and books for her classroom.  I will definitely miss the extra hands in the room and an adult to talk to!

Mrs. Barnett : )